From their mouths to God's Ears
5.0 out of 5 stars Terrific Book! It would make a fantastic movie!
I had a hard time doing chores, running errands and cooking dinner. I was sad to see it end, and wanted more. This could be a really good movie. Bravo!
Slow burn character development finally catches stride about midway then ties together in a fast-paced, cleverly written back half. This would be a cool, Texas-based movie.
One of the best books I’ve read in a long time and I read a couple of books a week on average. I’d love to see this made into a movie!! And/or a sequel!!
The storyline and character development had me hooked...thought provoking, soul examining, dialogue. I could have done without the few curse words scattered throughout, but what a story! Please, someone develop a screenplay!!!
Smith Driskell is a Stud. Something almost out of a movie, Smith has changed the complexion of taking matters into his own hands. I highly recommend this read-you will not be disappointed.
Well developed plot with twists and turns and carries you through the book in an easy manner. Would make for a FANTASTIC screenplay and movie !!
To top it off the book is a great action caper with a full range of vivid characters from all kind of walks of life. Would make a great suspense thriller movie in my opinion.
If that wasn’t enough, I never saw the end coming. I couldn’t put this book down. Payback Jack would make an excellent movie or a limited series.
I had a hard time putting it down…shocking ending! This would be a great movie! Sure hope to see it on the screen soon. Can’t wait to read another novel written buy this creative author. Excellent read!!
